Monday, June 1, 2020

Help You Buy Profitable Investment Properties Using Win Win


Let me lend you my 29+ yrs of expertise to help you evaluate your current or future deal. I will help you put together a win-win deal to get the seller or buyer to almost always say yes.

When Buying investment property with little or no money down you must know how to structure the deals properly so that Sellers can have the confidence that you will perform.  You also need to make sure that your risk is minimized. 

I can help you do that.   I've been doing it since 1989 (for many years) and I am committed to helping you, other investors or would be investors achieve success like many of my students, partners & I have enjoyed over the years.

I am a real full time investor with approximately 60+ units, (Single Family, Multi-units, and AirBnb's)  in my portfolio.  I used to have over 300 but with my team that buys & sells for me, It doesn't make since to maintain that many in my portfolio any more.

So, Not bragging but I've done millions of dollars in real estate, I started with nothing so I've had to learn using hard work and creative strategies.  I can help you whether you want to know how to do a wholesale, retail, rent to own, seller finance, lease option or land contract.


Seller's Response:

I had a great service with this service. I would recommend you using this service today.


There is nothing but goodness in this gentleman’s heart. He is as real as it gets.


ABSOLUTLEY THE BEST BANG FOR BUCK DEAL YOU CAN FIND IN THE SUBJECT MATTER. If you are familiar with the world of Real Estate Investing and how highly priced coaching is in the subject matter, believe me when I say Jim is giving you real world advice, usable content, and proven tips to build your REI business FOR PENNIES. Very happy with Jim and excited for my future success!


Thanks Eliot... Now if you really want to make me happy, get that first $10k goal accomplished! Now you have no reason or excuses to not do it. You have everything you need. Keep me posted. Blessings - coach Jim


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