Monday, June 8, 2020

Design A Computer Build Of Your Budget And Purpose


I will design a computer to your budget and to the porpose of your computer.
I have experties in finding parts to someones budget and purpose.
I will be using PC Part Picker to design your computer but I will be checking compatability fully instead of letting PC Part Picker check compatibility. This means I will be going over the specifications of each component and checking if they are compatable with eachother. PC Part Picker can do this for you but it can sometimes get thtings wrong and can only do it up to a certain extent.

I can design computers for Gaming, Video Editing, Extrame to Overly High Budget Gaming and even Basic Browsing.

Your design may not be to your exsact price but will be as close as I can get it.
Prices DO change so if after I send you your PC the calculated price CAN change.


: : : : :

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