Thursday, December 10, 2020

Let Me Help You Plan For Retirement


One of my fundamentals are I don't believe people need more financial products what people need is a strategy and the products are only there to fill in and support the overall strategy.
I believe people have worked hard for their money and I think there are three things that are trying to eat seats at it and we need to use this strategy to protect your money against these three things taxation, inflation, market fluctuation.
So I have access to some fundamental strategies that I use to protect your money against these three things and I'm going to structure this solution for you into three accounts and those three accounts are rainey day account, life style account, and wealth building account.
And before before I look at what you have, I want you to know, I don't believe in just moving money around. It has to be a benefit for you. I have criteria that's i will use to reference your accounts against. If I feel we need to make a change I'll recommend it. Otherwise, I'm going to tell you to stay right where you are.

Here is some of the criteria I use.
A. In the wrong vehicle 
B. There is no strategy 
C. The fees are to high
D. Poor performance 
E. Poor service 


: : : : :

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