Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Analyze Your Pitch Deck As An Investor Would Do


Pitching investors ? You have one chance to convince. Make sure you come prepared.

3 minutes.

This the time you have, on average, to convince investors and VCs when you pitch your business idea.

Investors are always amazed by how little some entrepreneurs are prepared to pitch and answer some basic questions.

You can avoid this and be 200% ready...mostly if you have a way to anticipate the most common questions you will face during a pitch session.

This is why I came up with such a service. 

To help you, through a new set of eyes, with your materials (pitch deck, business plan...) and make sure you are ready to convince, and inspire.

I have extensive experience with startups, business models, entrepreneurship, and mainly with investors.

Knowing what they are looking for, and (very important) what they DON'T like.

You've worked hard on your business idea, so don't take risks sending poor documents to potential investors.

I can provide you key tips and even a copy of a framework used by VCs to analyze and judge a business model while being pitched!

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - B. Franklin


: : : : :

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