Monday, July 13, 2020

Write A Low Budget Feature Film Script


If you need a script for a low-budget, indie feature, this is the gig for you!

If you plan to write the script yourself and just need an idea, select the 'Develop' package. Deliverables will include: Logline, Synopsis, Treatment, and Beat Sheet.

If you already have a fleshed-out idea and just need someone to pound out the pages, select the 'Write' package. You'll need to upload any relevant documents you have, such as a treatment or beat sheet. If you're not sure your idea is developed enough to use this package, feel free to contact me first!

If you only have a basic idea or no idea at all, select the 'Develop and Write' package. Deliverables will include: Logline, Synopsis, Treatment, Beat Sheet, and Script.

*Note: This is not a ghostwriting gig; I do expect to receive credit on the film. I will, however, deliver the Final Draft file to you to make additional edits as needed.*


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Write A Low Budget Feature Film Script

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