Friday, December 20, 2019

Making A PC Part Picker List For Budget And Tailored Needs


My Gig is for the people that want to build a PC, but don't know about PC parts. I will specifically target people's needs (e.i Gaming, Streaming, Video Editing, etc.) I will also do a fixed budget (e.i $500, $1000, $2000, etc.) For example, if you ask me that you want to build a $600 PC for streaming I will guide you with 3 different part lists for the build. You can also ask for specific things like more RAM or an SSD (For example, etc.) It will cost $5 but it is an easy way to skip learning a ton about different CPUs and GPUs along with different compatibility issues and I will finish in a maximum of 3 Days (Just to get your Setup the best possible :D) Thanks! I hope you have a great day and consider buying this gig!


: : : : :

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